Get Ready For Fast Courageous Mesmerizing Chubby Royal Exquisite Captivating Vibrant Energetic Sophisticated Futuristic Robot Adventurous Thug Sweet Hungry Cute Magical Fuzzy Huggable Playful Enchanting Bunnies

Our Mission

At Basic Bunny Club, our mission is to create a dynamic NFT ecosystem that goes beyond the limitations of static NFTs. Our NFTs prioritize functionality and practicality, providing tangible benefits and enhancing user experiences. With our commitment to a trustworthy and secure NFT environment, we are paving the way for widespread adoption in the mainstream.

For our exclusive members, only 150 will ever exist...

BBC-Pass 001
Free Mint
You will be able to mint 1 Free NFT for each Main Collection.
BBC Pass - Giveaways
You will automatically be entered in each giveaway only for BBC Pass holders when milestones are reached.
Passive $Carrots
Earn Passive $Carrots generated from the Bunny Track. Note these are different than Carrots earned through staking.
Automatic Whitelist
Automatically whitelisted for all future MINTS

Earn $CARROTS by Staking Your BBC Pass

$CARROTS power the BBC  ecosystem. You can use them to upgrade your Bunnies, enter races at the Bunny Track, and more. 


Daily $Carrots Earning Rates:

Season 1 - The Runners


Unique Bunny NFTs


Each Bunny will be able to earn rewards by racing at the Bunny Track.

6 Unique 1:1's

6 Bunnies are Custom 1 of 1's with special attributes and boosted stats at the Bunny Track.


Each Bunny can also earn Non-Custodial Staking rewards

Bunny Ecosystem

Utilize your Bunny in our Bunny Ecosystem

View it in the Bunny Paper

The Bunny Trail


$CARROTS are the currency of the Basic Bunny Club (BBC) ecosystem. Your BBC Bunnies will be upgradable utilizing $CARROTS to run faster at the Bunny Track. Along with upgrading your BBC Bunnies, you will be able to care for your Bunnies with items bought from the Bunny Merchant. (He only takes $CARROTS). There are several ways you can earn $CARROTS: Staking, Giveaways, The Carrot Farm, and Buy them on DEXs. 

0 Million
Token Supply

Policy ID:


$CARROTS Distribution


Our Colony